

英検一級二次対策 政治①






このうち②については瞬間英作文で対策してきた。簡単な英語はそれなりに早く話せるようになった。あとは一級二次特有の専門単語を覚えられればというところ。①についてはこれから対策していく。具体的には、『英検一級 面接大特訓』を参考に頻出トピックについて考えをまとめていく。この作業はこのブログでやっていきたい。今回のテーマは政治・国際分野。





核兵器(nuclear weapons)

・国家間経済格差(international economic differences)


地球温暖化(global warming) etc…




・経済支援(economic aid)

・技術援助(technical aid)

経済制裁(economic sanction)

・軍事制裁(military sanction)





Should the developed world help developing countries overcome poverty? (先進国は、発展途上国の貧困克服を助けるべきか)


 ・過去の搾取の償いをするべき(compensate for the past exploration)

・経済支援を行い、世界の平和に貢献すべき(promote global peace)

グローバル化により先進国-途上国間の経済相互依存が強い(strong economic interdependence by globalization)(途上国の発展∝先進国の発展)



There have been a lot of discussions and debates about whether or not developing countries should help developing countries overcome poverty. Personally, I think developed countries should help developing countries overcome poverty for following three reasons.

Firstly, developing counties should compensate for their past exploitation. In the past, today’s developing countries colonized third world countries in Africa and Asia, and exploited their natural resource and workforce to develop their own countries, so I think developed countries should help developing countries because of their past exploitation.  

Secondly, they should help developing countries to promote global peace and stability. There are increasing number of terrorist attacks in today’s society and one of the main reasons why attacks happen is poverty. Under the circumstance, developed countries should help developing countries suffering from poverty by giving financial aid to stop the growing number of terrorism.

Finally, to help developing countries can be advantage to developed countries because there is an economic interdependence between developed and developing countries. If there are troubles in developed countries which are economic partner of developing countries, the influence will make both countries economy stagnant. To solve the poverty problems will lead to prosperity of developed and developing countries.

In conclusion, for above-mentioned three reasons, compensation for the past exploitation, promoting world peace, and economic prosperity, I think developed countries should help developing countries overcome poverty.