

英検一級二次対策 教育①







・自主性・創造性の喪失 etc...

<理想的な教育の在り方> ※完全に個人的な意見





①Should the university system in Japan be reformed?(日本の大学制度は改革されるべきか)






授業:講義中心←→講義主体 ディスカッションも多い



There have been a lot of discussions and debates about whether or not the university system in Japan should be reformed. Personally, I think the university system in Japan should be reformed for following three reasons.

Firstly, entry system should be reformed. University enrty admission in America is based on papers about SAT score, GPA of three years of high school, personal statement, and so on. Therefore, applicants can appeal their strong points not only about academic ability, but also emotional and career strength. On the other hand, enrty admission in Japan is based on only paper examination. entry system should be based on papers like America to choose more spirit-matured students and it leads to improve the quolity of students.

Secondly, lecture system should be reformed. Japanese calss is likely to be passive. Talker is always teacher. On the other hands, there are many dabete and discussion class in Ameria and these speaking-oriented class is very important for students to grow logocal and critical thinking abilities. These abilities is indispensable to solve a lot of problems in today's society. therefore, lecture system should be reformed.

Finally, Major decision system should be reformed. Students in Japan heveto make decision of major before entrying university but the student in America can choose their major after entering. I think many high school students do'nt know about what they really want to learn and research. University should give moratorium to the high school students to let them make more effective dicisions about major. Therefore, Major decision system should be reformed.

In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three points, namely, entry system, lcture system, major dicision system, I think the university system in Japan should be reformed.