

英検一級二次対策 科学①


①Should nuclear power be promoted?(原子力は推進されるべきか)


・Nuclear power is a clean energy source that produces no greenhouse gases. Unlike fossil fuels, it can generate a huge amount of electricity without emitting carbon dioxide. With the growing threat of grobal warming, we should promote nuclear power to reduce CO2 emissions.

・Nuclear power is a stable energy source can meet the increasing glabal enerdy demands. Renewable energy like solar and wind power are not stable enough to meet the glabal energy needs. Nuclear power can supply a large amount of sustainable energy and thus greatly promote industrial growth.

・Nuclear power generation is more cost-effective than any other form of power generation. For example, one gram of uranium can generate power equivalent to three tons of coal in thermal power generation, and it is about 3000 times less expensive. This cost-effectiveness will greatly contribute to economic growth.