

英検一級二次対策 科学②

②Do the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the dangers?(遺伝子工学の利益は危険を上回るか)



遺伝子組み換え食品の導入で飢餓を緩和する(alleviate world hunger by producingte genetically modified foods)

遺伝子工学により難病や不治の病の治療ができる(genetic engineering can cure intractable and incurerable disease)


・倫理的な問題(ethical problem)

②Has technology changed education for the better?(科学技術は教育をより良くしたか)


・Interactive multimedia technology is useful for teachers to enhance students learning effectiveness. For example, audiovisual images or games using device make the class more engaging and entertaining.  

・Students can develop research skills effectively because they can have easy acsess to a wealth of information on the internet.

・E-learning gives people more opportunities to study at much more reasonable costs regardless of their geographical conditions.

④Agree or disagree:space explorarion shoud be continued


・Space exploration promote the development of scientific research and thus contributes progress of inscience and technology. For example, monitoring from space make foreast more accurately and GPS for car navigation system is byproduct of space exploration. In addiion, We can surf the internet almost anywhere in the world because of space explorarions

・Space exploration will boost the economy as it is very lucrative business. it is high return on investiment as it is said that in todays economic situation, one dollar investiment on space exploration will change 10 dollars. So it is vert lucrative business and thus promote economic growth.