

英検一級二次対策 メディア②

④Will electronic media replace almost all printed media in the future?(電子媒体は将来的にほとんど完全に紙媒体にとって代わるか)


・Electronic media is more convenient than printed materials. For example, you don't need to carry heavy books or many text books if you use electronic media. And as another example, you can find unknown word in the electronic book by just dragging the word.

・Electronic media will promote environmental protection. It will greatly reduce paper consumption thus contribute to solve shortage problem about paper resources. It can also reduce environmental pollution caused by transportation of huge amountof books.

・Electronic media is far less expensive than printed media mainly because of its much lower production costs. For example, e-books are 40 to 70% cheaper than printed materials.


Although it needs some expensive machine, e- books user can quickly recoup the initial investment because of its cost-effectiveness.


⑤Do the advantages of advertising outweigh its disadvantages(広告のメリットはデメリットを上回るか)


・Advertisement boosts the economy by stimulating consumption. Companies can increase their sales by enhancing their purchase motivation.

・Advertisement is a good information source for consumers. Consumers can know about many attractive products through TV CM, web site advertisement and promotion video. Consumers make good decision in shopping because of these informative advertisement.


When you decided to buy a product, we need to check it on the Internet to know it more specifically.
